Blueberry Syrup

About Blueberry Syrup




251ML, 370ML, 500ML


Cane sugar, rice syrup, water,

concentrated blueberry juice,

maple syrup.

Product benefits

– Preservative free,

– Made with real Blueberry juice

– No High Fructose Corn Syrup

Item DescrIptIon

Brand: Old Fashioned Maple Crest

Product: Blueberry syrup

Shelf life unopened: 3 years at room temperature

Shelf life once opened: 1 year / must be refrigerated

packagIng DescrIptIon

Retail Format: 8.5 fl oz (251 ml) glass bottle

Dimensions bottle: 6 3/4 x 3 1/2 x 1 3/4 inches

UPC: 0 62558 33250 7

Cap: Gold polypropylene plastic cap tamper evident 28 mm

Label: Front and back panel labels. Front label positioned

so that: Bottle handle is to the right.

Coding: Production date code ink jet on back side of bottle

Special markings: Kosher symbol, HACCP recognition logo

case DescrIptIon

Units per case: 12

Material: Corrugated cardboard with shipping divider

Case dimensions (L x W x H): 11 x 7 x 7 inches

Case gross weight: 16.23 lbs

pallet DescrIptIon

Type: Chep US 40 x 48 inches

Cases per pallet: 144 cases

Tier x High: 24 cases per row x 6 high

Dimensions (L x W x H): 48 x 40 x 48 inches

Pallet gross weight excluding pallet weight: 2,338 lbs

Pallet stack: Pallet is completely surrounded by shrink wrap.

Slip sheets.

Superposition: Double stacked at warehouse

Pallets / cases per full truck load: 18 pallets / 2,592 cases