Canadian Soybeans

About Canadian Soybeans

Soybeans are primarily grown in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba, with some production in Atlantic Canada and Saskatchewan.

Until the 1970s, soybean production was limited to southern Ontario. Advancements in soybean breeding have resulted in the development of shorter-season varieties that are suitable for eastern Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. The majority of Canadian soybeans are grown in Ontario and Quebec, between the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River basin. The temperature climate and fertile soils found in this area are key components in producing the highest quality soybeans for food uses.

Canada accounts for less than 2 percent of the world’s soybean production. But, is an important supplier of specialty, high quality food grade soybeans. Approximately 35 percent of Canada’s production is destined for premium export markets such as Japan and Europe.

In 2006, soybeans were Canada’s fifth most valuable field crop—after canola, wheat, potatoes, and corn— with farm cash receipts amounting to $680 million. Exports of Canadian soybeans contributed to the value of soybean receipts. During the 2006-07 crop year (September 1-August 31), over 1.7 million tonnes of soybeans were exported.

Our commitment: the production and delivery of a quality product to our customers

Investing in our export markets has increased our ability to understand the needs of our customers from around the world – – this has helped position Canada as a global leader in producing and supplying top quality soybeans to world markets. We take pride in going the extra mile to foster relationships with new and existing customers.

Together, Canada’s soybean industry works to find solutions for our customers. Specialty trait Canadian soybeans can be the perfect fit for the production of a range of products from tofu to naturally sweetened soymilk to fermented soy products such as natto and miso.